Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What Defines Home

Today, in this my 3rd blog post, I plan on reflecting on what God has shown me through some valuable people, transitions, and even dabble in metal music a bit!  Since arriving at Auburn, we the Interns (Will Don and Tiffany) have changed greatly and grown deeper in love with our Savior.  We have bonded well, and are really pulling together our strengths from our homes, and placing them into Chi Alpha at Auburn!  Will and I bring to the table something needed at Chi Alpha here, and thats an ability to really relate to and reach freshmen!  

       The interns led by Mark Croushorn handed out free sno-cones on campus the first few days that students arrived.  In simple interactions with over 900+ sno-cones handed out, (and free high fives and elbow fives) we landed 4 new freshmen men into our small group!  These fine young gentlemen have been such a huge blessing to Will and I!  God, in all His love and grace, revealed to us that we were not just another set of interns, but a much needed and integral part to Campus Church's ministry here at Auburn!
You see, packing everything you love into a truck and moving 800 miles away at the start of the summer seemed like no big deal.  After arriving at Auburn and realizing that all the people I had toiled with, become friends with, and loved with all my heart, were now so far away from me.  I had blindly followed God into my calling without weighing the costs.  And after about a month in, I began, and still do, feel homesick.  But as my World Traveling and now very British friend Erin West reminded me
For spelling and grammar corrections please email one of my favorite archers Jason Blaesing at Gopherelcx@hotmail.com

"Dude. Home is the Lord. Center yourself there or it will eat you alive. There are days I have to give it to the Lord over and over and over again. Trust he knows what he's doing and that's where you'll find peace."

This had such a true ring to it!  The fact is, as I look around I have a family and a home at Campus Church!  Time and time again He has shown me this!  And I hadn't realized it!  Well lets look at how:

Student Leadership Retreat:
The first time we met the students in their full capacity was at a hunting lodge 30 minutes away from campus.  Students who I have never met in my life were hugging me, introducing themselves to me, and making me laugh as if I had known them my entire life!  We broke bread, ate, worshiped, and celebrated together for a weekend and I felt not only including, but integral to the needs of their ministry! And it was not just because I was an intern.  It's their culture here, and in their DNA.  In fact, one of their own flesh and blood had a rare form of cancer attacking him.  Ben had been undergoing surgery that week far away in baltimore, and we had taken to praying for him.  However, they didn't want to just pray for him, they wanted ben to hear it!  So we recorded a prayer on several cellphones and prayed our hearts out for this kid!  This was family.

Even since coming to Auburn, I have seen my friendship grow and strengthen from Longwood and Home.  I am proud to say my Grandmother has been going to church again!!  This week marked 4 weekends in a row she has attended Vienna Assembly of God!  Even our relationship has become closer and more intimate!  Only God could remove me from home and make the situation better :)  Distance creates strength!  I talk frequently with Jessica Pope and Rebecca Suiter, and when her dissertation isn't eating her alive Erin West. Relationships that I considered somewhat close and definitely important have only grown stronger.  

Jesus in my Psalm Devotions:
Psalm 20:1,4-5 states that (and yes I cried out Homesick to Him that had no home) 
In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry.  May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.
May He grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed.  May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God.  May the Lord answer all your prayers.

We have a good good Father don't we?!  He answered my cry before I cried out where is my home!  I have a family and a wonderful set of friends!  Brothers who have held me and forced me to stand my ground in battle with them.  I was set on going to a metal concert with one of my small group members Gabe.  Unfortunately, tickets had sold out before I knew they were even selling them.  In a moment of weakness I texted him that I was seeing red with anger and he, in Gabe like humor said, "Don't worry about it dude, count your blessings, I see dead people."  Encouragement wrapped in humor.  Someone who I have shared a table with 4 or 5 times has now become something so much more.  One simple text that took 20 seconds to type changed my outlook.  

Now the so what?  Why do I spill all this out on paper (blog)?  For one it's an altar to remind me that I am not alone.  That following God isn't always easy, but its the most fulfilling.  I am not a master wordsmith.  I am no author.  It's hard for me to explain all this into a simple blog.  However I am a man that is seeking after God.  I am homesick, missing my friends.  Some I've known since I was in elementary and middle school.  Friends that I would literally go to war with to defend their honor.  Friends and family who without whom I wouldn't know my Lord or what it means to love.  We are meant to be in relationship with one another.  This world is not my home!  I am a stranger passing through but I will make the best of what He has given me!  SDG as my friend and poet Chris Bernstorf would put it.  Again talking about brothers, this guy while touring the US took a simple moment to write a post card.  Little things like this make the world to people!  So whether far away or close to home, I am thankful for those who I have encountered, made camp with, and gone to battle for!  

The Captain, what will He send?
I know He will send, but what will be sent?
I can feel a slip. A buzzard scrapes nearby... 
As I, atop this hill, stand and scream, 
It's all I can do to control my gaze
From the curiosity of seeing myself as prey.
And then I heard an armored march.
I heard an armored march that shook the trees, that shook the trees.
Bows bent as they sang, "We are the archers!"
My friends!  You are my archers.  My family, You are my archers!  Thanks for showing me that home is being with you, whether far or close at hand.